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Socially, Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa (formally NWFP) Earthquake/Flood affected area of district Battagram is considered as one of the; most rigid and out reach area of KPK (formally N.W.F.P). Traditionally the people were being ruled by the feudal lords (khans) and the economic conditions are far more worst as compared to other areas .Unawareness about the basic rights and low literacy rate has prevented people to enjoy basic human rights as well as facilities. Human development process is of very minor scale and of very slow speed. The most suffering entity of the community is women and children.
Some of the youth initiated the process to have a social development platform, from where they can launch the activities to bring some development in the lives of the villagers who were being neglected from decades. Some of the local welfare organizations were formed which, initially faced huge resistance from the communities but kept on the good work they had planned. When the interventions were being made on voluntarily basis and the communities were witnessing the developments; these organization started to enjoy good reputation but with the limited resources and donors the intensity as well as the magnitude of these operations was limited.
October 2005, earthquake has really brought a change in the area as INGOs and NGOs came into the area and started the relief operations. The need and the importance were realized, not only by the feudal, local Govt. but also at the national level to establish humanitarian network to meet such calamities in the future as well as to get the people out of the present.

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